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Interior design is expeditious, so being on track with the latest trends is always a challenge. However, it is also important to be sentient to every user’s requirement and create a unique version of the burgeoning trends. As we are close to the end of this year, it’s time to plan ahead by thinking about what trends will lead in 2023. Ms. Giulia Baima Bollone, Business Head – Embassy Interiors shares her insights.

With so much happening in and around the world today, there is going to be a shift towards calm, simplicity and balance in terms of home interiors and design. Sustainable design will remain on top of mind, encouraging renewable elements like bamboo, cotton, wool, etc.  Over the advent of the past couple of years, there is a noticeable revival of trends from the late 20th century by revisiting the art deco concept moving away from insipid minimalism to a slightly more decorative style. Moreover, using the walls as an extension of the space is not enough. Treating the ceiling with ebullient colours or interesting wallpapers, can create a sense of cohesiveness and bring in character. Stressing the importance of visual comfort is extremely cardinal. Additionally, artificial lighting can be utilized to achieve a mood for multifarious occasions. Pieces that range from clusters of bare bulbs in dynamic arrangements to elegant sculptural shapes and styles, and vibrantly coloured shades allow users to create the elevated environment they desire in their personalized style in a gamut of spaces and change the setting based on the occasion curating different moods for variegated activities. Being mindful of thermal comfort and acoustics invokes a positive wellness design.

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