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Czech designer and producer Sans Souci, renowned for creating tailor-made decorative lighting fixtures, glass objects and architecture features for projects around the world, presents their Origin collection that nods to the brand’s fascination with contrast.

Origin is, a source of life, an ocean, and its inhabitants. Origin in the form of glass, uses an artisanal approach and embrace the hand blown glass components which are inspired by the tiny delicate bubbles inside the seashell. Like in the water, where a track of bubbles is all that’s left, light reflects differently through these components, offering a special aura to each piece. When contrasted with leather, it becomes a bohemian ornament, bringing us back to where it all began. Perhaps one of their more simple offerings, this lighting fixture really gets its powerful presence as a result of the luminescent handblown crystal set against the strength of the dark leather. It is available in different sizes and compositions along with 3 colour variations consisting of crystal with soda, crystal with soda and a cognac inner & crystal with soda and an aurum inner.

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