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Rakhee Bedi is a founding principal at Rakhee Shobhit Design Associates which is a multidisciplinary design firm delivering architecture, interior design and strategic services across India based in Gurgaon. In over more than 15 years, she has successfully designed and executed a diverse range of architectural and interior design projects in distinct fields of architecture. After completing her schooling from Loreto Convent, she followed her passion of creating beautiful spaces with happy memories by pursuing architecture.

With a constant quest to learn and evolve with each project equips the practice with the skills necessary to deliver an enduring level of excellence from conception to completion.
Rakhee philosophy of narrative design is evident in the fluidity of volumes created by her. Her constructive design vocabulary is derived from natural patterns and fabrics which results in authentic and cautious outcomes. The orientation of her design has stimulated local art by prioritizing the work of local artisans and skilled labour she immersed art in architecture. Trilegal Saket is a robust example of this principle; spaces that curate healthy working environment and each plane radiating art outlines her skill of inducing life into every nook and corner of the building.

In partnership of Shobhit Kumar, Rakhee Bedi had built the vertical for RSDA by contributing at every stage of design. Currently she is developing interior design for novel homes in Delhi and Gurgaon.

 How do you describe your journey in this male-dominated industry?

Needless to say, it has been eventful. To this date, I seem to find gender-bias acts creeping in from areas unwarranted. One needs to grow a thick skin, be persistent and keep moving on.   Always being confident and diligent in our work makes sure everyone knows you mean business and the perspective changes.

Who has been your inspiration in the process of your entire career?

My inspiration is not one but all of those women who have not shied away from pursuing their dream careers. These women have inspired me for life—clients, teachers, female designers, they have simply moved forward without looking back and have enjoyed the challenges thrown at them but still stand up high and support everyone too.

Which has been your first project? Where? What was it? How has been your experience?

One of my first projects would be to design the interiors of a villa at Gurgaon, right from conceptualisation to execution! It was a real eye-opener as we tackled practical issues that we don’t get to learn in college.

 Your most challenging projects; where and why? Tell us more about the same?

One of the interesting projects was to design a farm house for a multinational head in Delhi where we had to bridge the communication gap between us and an international design firm in executing the project. It has been a learning curve for us as many facets of design and details were to be handled.

Your wise words to next-gen stepping into this profession?

Enjoy your Work! Don’t stop learning! Be fearless! Connect! Keep pushing your boundaries! And lastly, live to the fullest!

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