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When it comes to appliances, features such as adaptability in terms of size, unmatched functionality and efficiency are fast becoming crucial. Häfele’s Aqua Mini Dishwasher doesn’t require you to make any change to your existing kitchen while providing you with the operations and versatility of a standard high-end dishwasher. This dishwasher is not only a compact freestanding variant, but also fits on your kitchen countertop with ease. Ideal for a family of 4 members, Aqua Mini dishwasher can clean up to 75 utensils in one wash and comes equipped with Active Clean Technology which kills 99.99% germs at a high temperature wash.

Its dedicated wash programs can be set to clean different types of utensils depending on the degree of soiling – from a highly soiled kadhai to a delicate wine glass, there is nothing Aqua Mini cannot clean, including itself! The intuitive digital interface helps keep track of the time remaining for the wash cycle to complete and showcases details of the ongoing program.

At 49 dBA, Aqua Mini works silently while you go about completing other tasks in peace. With an energy rating of A++ and 25% less electricity and water consumption, this technologically laden dishwasher is the go-to product for any contemporary kitchen.

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