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Design Deconstruct, a leading name in interior design conceptualises vibrant and welcoming waiting areas. This modern spin on classic home layouts is quickly becoming a must-have element, offering both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits.

The waiting area, strategically positioned near the entrance, serves as a warm greeting space for guests. By placing the waiting area near the entryway, Design Deconstruct has created an inviting atmosphere that sets the tone for the entire home.

Designed to integrate smoothly with the main areas of the home, the space ensures an uninterrupted flow, right from the entryway, enhancing the overall layout

The use of calming, neutral colours creates an environment that is perfect for welcoming guests and providing a moment of relaxation upon first entering the home. Large windows and skylights are incorporated to flood the space with natural light, creating a bright and airy feel that uplifts the mood of both residents and visitors.

Each waiting area is furnished with carefully chosen furniture pieces that fit well without overcrowding the space. Plush sofas are selected for maximum comfort, while bold colours are used in fabrics to add interest. Rugs are utilised to define the waiting area and add texture, contributing to a cosy and well-designed look.

Lastly, indoor plants are added to the mix, to purify the air and bring a touch of nature indoors. Low-maintenance plants are chosen to ensure ease of care while maintaining the aesthetic appeal.

These spaces not only enhance the guest experience but also add a unique and modern touch to today’s homes.

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