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Design Qandy is a luxury home design company that understands the importance of blending the best of style, design, and technology. They have a team of internationally trained design professionals who craft every project with conscious attention to detail.

Design First is more than a philosophy at Design Qandy. Their creations harmoniously combine form, function, materials and textures to elevate living to new heights.

They offer end-to-end design solutions, starting with their innovative DQ style test to identify your style and design an exquisitely international yet a very personal home. The DQ style test has been developed by highly trained design experts and psychologists over two years. Crafted with AI and the latest technology, one can understand their unique personality and preferences. Based on the test result, they assign the most suitable designer to work on your stunning space, making the entire creation process memorable.

Design Qandy will soon launch its Experience Design Centre (DQ-EDC) in the heart of Marine Drive. A 7000 sq.ft. space that allows you to experience the finest international interior and furniture designs under one roof. Surrounded by stunning seascapes outside and amazing styles inside, they bring the world’s best designs, technology and materials right to your fingertips.

From creating unique living spaces to designing distinctive work environments, their internationally trained designers have brought great design visions to life. Each project is personalised with the results of the DQ style test, celebrating their clients’ personalities through different design styles like contemporary, minimal, classical and more.

Design Qandy also brings an astonishing range of furniture and accessories. Every luxurious sofa, table, chair, cabinet and more is inspired by global designs and carefully crafted using the finest materials. You can choose from their collection or personalise the furniture designs to match your unique style and space.

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