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Stanley Group, a maker of premium furniture and home decor products, today announced the launch of the world’s finest kitchen and cabinets Cabinetry Cult, a revolutionary kitchen and cabinetry solution. Crafted using the perfect blend of German precision manufacturing, French carpentry techniques, Italian design sensibilities and craftsmanship with 26 years of manufacturing expertise.

Stanley offers an elite range of kitchen and cabinetry. The cabinets come in a variety of styles, colours, sizes, and floor plans offering customers a range of styles and layouts for their kitchen and cabinetry needs of the entire home. The materials used in Cabinetry Cult cabinetry are globally sourced and of the highest quality which includes marine plywood, FSI-certified timbers, wood veneers, laminates, natural stones, and finishes.

The Cabinetry Cult collection offers customers a complete solution to their cabinetry needs. From kitchen to wardrobes, walk-in wardrobes, bathroom cabinets, counters, bar, pantry, laundry room, and study, Cabinetry Cult has it all. Customers can now design their cabinetry using a narrow or eclectic palette, to seamlessly blend with the architecture of their choice and can choose from 4 finishes ranging from metallic to solid lacquer and 37 shades for ultimate flexibility. This allows customers to unlock their imagination and create a look that is timeless and unique.

Speaking on the announcement, Sunil Suresh, Chairman and Managing Director, Stanley Group, said, “At Stanley Group, we are excited to launch Cabinetry Cult it’s the best of both worlds.  It is an excellent opportunity for us to showcase our passion for craftsmanship and quality, with our 25+ years of expertise in the manufacturing industry. We have incorporated the best of German technology, French carpentry techniques, Italian design, and Indian engineering to bring to life our unique collection of kitchens and cabinetry you will ever find. We look forward to bringing our customers the most exquisite kitchen and cabinetry experience,” said.

To ensure our customer’s satisfaction, we offer a Company-owned manufacturer & retailer’s warranty Stanley prides itself in fine craftsmanship, our commitment to quality, innovation, and service has been a cornerstone of our success for over the years. We are proud to have served more than 150,000 customers, and we are dedicated to continuing our mission of providing the highest standard of craftsmanship, genuine authenticity of materials and quality assurance, he further added.

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