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The switches we use to turn on lights, fans, and other electrical devices in our homes have been in the past seen as useful objects, which played a significant role in our daily lives but usually only functionally. Beyond their functional purpose, switches can also add to the overall aesthetics of our homes. In essence they can be no different than other wall décor that we choose to enhance the ambience of our living spaces.

The classic toggle switches are now giving way to sleek touch switches, there are a wide variety of switch designs available to suit different tastes and styles with tasteful LED indicators to indicate status. The move is on from mechanical to electronic switches that are also able to functionally extend themselves – from the simple use by touch to that by smart app and voice assistants quite seamlessly. The flexibilities that these alternative usage options create is tremendous, both while in the home and even the access it provides from outside the home through the internet to operate them.  Each switch was its own entity in the past, and that is no longer the case. The switches can be grouped together to be triggered as profiles or scenes that are suitable to set the mood. They can be scheduled to operate and turn off automatically to save energy.


The design flexibilities of the smart touch switches allow them to stand out and make a statement on the walls of ones home making them an important element of interior decor. From sleek glass surfaces to brushed metal to matte they provide not only a choice of materials but also a variety of colour palettes to choose from. BuildTrack allows the customers to build their switch – functionality as well as the artistic elements to suit their exact needs.

In short, switches may seem like a small detail, but a well-designed smart switch can elevate the look and feel of a space and make the everyday act of turning on a light or fan just a little bit more enjoyable.


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