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Gurgaon-based luxury interior concepts and custom design company MADS Creations has unveiled a vibrant room for a young girl. Conceived in delightful pastel hues, the room proves to be a magical place that hides many wonders inside it.

A flight of stairs that take one to a bed, a fully padded pink bed with an arched headboard, a chandelier with birds perched on it, along with the suspension lamps on the bedside featuring birds, the room sure surprises and impresses any soul young or old.

A beautiful dresser and shelves for books and other paraphernalia add interesting design features. The custom-made bed, dresser, and other furniture pieces impart the right kind of proportions and silhouettes to the room. Wall panelings, area rugs and fairy lights bring a sense of cosines to the expansive bedroom that offers enough space for the young mind to play, learn and relax.

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