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Faber launches Bolt Chimney with steam drive 360˚ technology which helps you to clean your chimney (cleaning the oil and other residues without any manual intervention) with just one touch.  This Chimney comes with a reminder, to clean the chimney after 15 hours. The combination of SPCC and toughened quality Glass makes it more durable.

It is designed as a plane propeller to match all modern kitchen decor, Faber kitchen chimney is all you need to relish the true cooking experience. The beautiful chimney helps ensure smoke-free cooking.

Loaded with premium features, black finish, and elegant design this Bolt Chimney with motion sensor from Faber is perfect for enhancing the decor of your kitchen.

Auto clean being outdated, Faber brings the new 21st century steam drive technology, which cleans 99 % of your chimney. Steam Clean is an advanced auto-clean technology. It works using the heater. But the difference is that it adds water to create steam and soften the residues in the chimney cavity.

This chimney comes with a powerful motor of 240 watts which enables a higher suction power. Thus ensuring you to have high performance and efficiency.

It also has a powerful motor to enable a suction power of 1500 m3/hr. Therefore, you have less smoke and more fragrance while cooking. The suction action removes the dust and provide hygienic environment. It further has Turbo Speed Technology which is a way to automatically run the motor faster than normal speed for 20 seconds to take away all the oil and smoke particles at once

This Chimney is designed with a separate yet visible oil collector to ensure easy cleaning. The oil collector collects the oil and other residues conveniently. Designed with stainless steel, its rust-free design ensures durability and hassle-free cleaning. As the oil seen from the oil cup window , helps with dumping in time thus avoiding the oil dripping to the stove.

Faber Bolt hood comes with motion sensing technology that enables easy operation by a simple wave of your hand. With Touch Control, it enables ease of operation with just one touch and makes your kitchen hood an easy and effortless product to use.

Filter less Chimney is the next generation of Auto-clean Chimney. With no filters, Filter less chimney ensures truly No Cleaning hassles, which makes it consumable and zero cost maintenance. Motor position inside the chimney makes a clear path for smoke and air.

The combination of its beautiful appearance, hi tech features and toughened quality makes it a must-have appliance for your kitchen.

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