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Nivasa, the leading name in luxury home furnishings, elevates the alfresco area with its latest collection featuring magnificent balcony furniture. Right in time for the party season, this artfully crafted collection is the perfect addition to homes. Exuding opulence and comfort, these units can take your balcony’s aesthetics to different levels. Each unit is a timeless classic with expert craftsmanship and artisanal integrity

Reimagining the balcony as a chic and joyful seating haven, perfect for quality moments and stylish relaxation in 2024, Nivasa’s balcony furniture will be a telling mascot of the space’s unique design story bringing together luxury, functionality and an artistic vision. In a world where our homes have become multifunctional spaces, balconies are emerging as charming outdoor dining setups. Nivasa introduces an array of stylish dining sets designed to transform the balcony into an urban retreat, creating a perfect ambience for enjoying meals under the open sky

Nivasa’s curated collection of chic seating solutions effortlessly blends comfort with style. From cosy sleek loungers to handpicked décor items, the idea is to create a personalized sanctuary to unwind, read, or simply savour the serenity. Additionally, Nivasa understands the power of greenery in enhancing the balcony experience, and to round up the vibe, they have skilfully integrated nature with their thoughtfully curated decor, including vibrant planters and lush foliage

Balcony infuses the space with one’s personality making it a reflection of unique style and taste, where quality moments are crafted.

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