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Marble Centre International (MCI), one of the largest importers and retailers of premium marble and natural in India has set a new standard for luxury with its beautiful Jasmine White collection. Originating from the scenic quarries of Turkey, this exquisite stone is one of the most popular and beautiful options for customers due to its understatedly premium soft white aesthetics and delicate veining patterns.

 Marble Centre International (MCI) showcases an extensive selection of premium Jasmine White marble at their Experience Centre that includes distinct varieties like Jasmine Grey, Jasmine Linea, and Jasmine Michelangelo. Exhibiting captivating interplays of soft white, mellow grey, and Subtle copper veins, this collection caters to a diverse set of aesthetic preferences, while offering top-notch quality and stunning visuals for discerning customers.

The Jasmine White collection infuses opulence into every space and bolsters its visual appeal, whether it is an expansive living area, a serene custom bathroom, or a stylish kitchen setting. Its gentle yet sophisticated touch brings an air of elegance to every space it adorns, creating a soothing and refined ambience throughout.

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