HJ Talreja do not work just to design but also to build unique and extra ordinary spaces for clients.innovative planning to maximize space utilization & development of properly integrated systems & services into an esthetically designed concept. We put special effort to ensure timely delivery of the project and make sure clients get the best value for their money.
How design evolved over the years then & now:
Being 20 years old in this industry there has been massive change. Earlier things were more of paper work and visualization. That time not many software were introduced. No whatsapp so communication was difficult now things have changed drastically all thanx to technology things have got better and smoother whats app plays very important role as it makes communication easy n faster. And yes, software have completely change now we can select everything in preliminary stage and visualize how will it turn. Things happen more faster than before. Yes, its good that we need to be updated everyday whats happening n whats new! We are learning each n every day adapting the environment.